Call Today! 916-394-2508
Creating Healthier Lives One Child at a Time
What We Offer
If your child is suffering from an ailment, you want to make them better. So does the compassionate and experienced team at South Area Pediatrics Medical Group Inc. It is our mission to help all children throughout their childhood, regardless of what illness or condition they may be struggling with. We are dedicated to helping families in and around Sacramento, CA, receive the first-rate services they deserve.
General Health Services
Ear Infection
To say that ear infections are common among children would be a gross understatement. In fact, 5 out of 6 kids will have at least one ear infection by the time they’re 3-years-old, and it’s the top driver of pediatric visits. We offer top-notch care for ear infections, giving parents peace of mind.
Ear Infection FAQs
What Causes Ear Infections in Children?
When Should I See the Doctor?
While most ear infections clear up on their own after 2-3 days, you should consider scheduling an appointment with us if:
- Your child develops a fever over 102℉
- Your child is in considerable pain
- The symptoms go on for more than three days
What Are the Signs of an Ear Infection?
- Tugging on the ear
- A fever
- Trouble sleeping
- Fluid draining from their ear
- Problems with their hearing
Between 5%-20% of the population in the United States succumbs to the flu each year, which can hit children particularly hard. At South Area Pediatrics Medical, we offer comprehensive flu services that include treatment and, perhaps more important, prevention.
Flu FAQs
What Are the Symptoms of the Flu?
- Fever and chills
- Body aches
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Cough
While many of these symptoms are found in colds, the big difference is that flu symptoms come on abruptly, and they’re more severe than they are with a common cold.
How Is the Flu Treated?
When you come in to see us, we first confirm the flu and then give you a few recommendations in order to ease your child’s symptoms, such as:
- Antiviral medications
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- At-home care instructions
When Is the Flu Dangerous?
Most children who get the flu suffer for a few days (though it can last a week or more) and gradually get better. But the flu can be dangerous for kids who have pre-existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma or allergies.
If your child displays any of the following symptoms, it’s important to seek emergency medical care as quickly as possible:
- Fever over 104℉
- Rapid breathing
- Blue lips
- Lethargy
- Dehydration
- Seizures
Can the Flu Be Prevented?
Strep Throat
Sore throats are common enough among young children, who contract 6-8 colds a year, but strep throat is a different matter entirely. This bacterial infection is highly contagious and can be extremely uncomfortable. Under expert guidance, parents can receive the expert treatment their child needs at South Area Pediatrics Medical Group Inc.
Strep Throat FAQs
What Is Strep Throat?
Strep throat isn’t terribly common, but it can make the rounds quickly among groups of children because the bacterial infection is highly contagious, transmitting itself through airborne droplets.
Strep throat isn’t necessarily dangerous on its own, but if left untreated, it can lead to rheumatic fever or kidney inflammation.
How is Strep Throat Treated?
Strep throat is typically treated with antibiotics and over-the-counter pain relievers. It’s important that you keep your child from passing the infection onto others, so you should plan on keeping them home for a few days while the antibiotics go to work.
During this time, you can do your part to keep your child comfortable by getting them to:
- Rinse with saltwater
- Drink plenty of fluids
- Rest
- Eat soft foods
It usually takes only 2-3 days to eradicate strep throat, and then your child should be more comfortable and able to get back to school or daycare.
What Are the Symptoms of Strep Throat?
One of the most common symptoms of strep throat is the pain, which can be especially pronounced when your child swallows. Outside of the discomfort, your child may also develop one or more of the following symptoms:
- Swollen and red tonsils
- Pus around their tonsils
- Red spots at the back of their mouth (or on the roof of their mouth)
- Fever
- Rash
- Body aches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tender and swollen lymph nodes in their neck
Just think: In 18 short years, your child goes from a small baby in your arms to a young adult ready to take on the world. To help your child meet important developmental milestones during this time, nutrition is paramount. We offer nutritional counseling, ensuring that kids receive the best start in life.
Nutrition FAQs
Why is Nutrition Important?
From the moment they are first weaned, your child relies on outside sources for their nutrients, which help the many different systems in their body develop. From their growing bones to their developing brains, every single cell in their growing body needs the right fuel to set them up for long-term health. And this is no easy task, given the pitfalls that are found in every grocery store and fast-food restaurant.
How Can I Avoid Weight Problems In My Child?
It would be no exaggeration to say that childhood obesity represents one of the biggest health concerns in the United States, with 1 in 5 children between the ages of 6 and 19 suffering from obesity. The health implications that come with carrying extra weight as a child cannot be underestimated and include:
- Diabetes
- Poor bone and joint health
- Asthma
- Sleep apnea
- Potential future cardiovascular problems.
Under our guidance, you can address weight issues and get your child to within normal weight ranges through a structured nutritional program designed specifically for your child.
What Should Be Part of My Child’s Diet?
While the world of good nutrition can seem confusing on the outside, with new reports coming at you from every direction touting the latest superfood, the basics are just that — basic.
Your growing child simply needs a balanced diet that contains:
- Protein
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Grains
- Dairy
Each of these categories contains the necessary vitamins and nutrients your child needs for healthy development.
Long-Term Health Services
ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most commonly misunderstood conditions because it blurs the lines between normal, child-like behaviors and a mental disorder. To help bring clarity, Rahat Saied, MD specializes in ADHD and ensures that parents have the tools they need.
What is ADHD?
ADHD affects about 8.4% of children in the United States, making it a fairly common mental disorder. There are several types of ADHD, including:
- Inattentive type
- Hyperactive/impulsive type
- Combination
There’s no known cause of ADHD, but medical researchers believe that genetics may play a role, as children with ADHD often have relatives with the disorder. Brain injury and premature birth may also play roles in the development of ADHD.
What Are the Symptoms of ADHD?
One of the most difficult aspects of ADHD is that it can be hard to parse out whether your child’s behavior is simply that of an overactive or inattentive child, or whether there’s a mental disorder at play. Because there are different types of ADHD, symptoms differ and include:
Inattentive Type
Under this category, your child should display six or more of the following symptoms:
- Lack of attention to detail
- Problems staying focused
- Failure to listen
- Trouble following instructions (chores, homework, etc.)
- Organizational problems
- Easily distracted
- A propensity to lose or misplace things
- Avoidance of tasks that require concentration
Hyperactivity/Impulsive Type
Under this type of ADHD, your child needs to display six or more symptoms that include:
- Trouble sitting still
- Fidgeting
- Moving (running, climbing, etc.)
- frequently, and not when appropriate
- Inability to play quietly
- Talking too much
- Interrupting
- Blurting things out loud
- A difficulty with waiting their turn or in lines
To wade through the many markers of ADHD, it’s best that you seek the professional counsel of an experienced pediatrician.
A whopping 40% of children in the United States are affected by allergies, which range from hay fever to severe food allergies. We offer a full slate of allergy testing and treatments, minimizing the impact that allergies can have on your child’s life.
Allergies FAQs
What Is An Allergy?
This response, which is an allergic reaction, can range from a mild rash to life-threatening anaphylactic shock.
What Are the Symptoms of Allergies?
- Respiratory issues, sneezing, runny nose
- Skin rashes
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Hives
In extreme cases, your child may go into anaphylactic shock, which is a medical emergency requiring immediate care. The signs of anaphylaxis vary, but the distress is obvious as your child may not be able to breathe, may vomit violently, or lose consciousness, among other symptoms.
What Are the Most Common Allergies in Children?
Food allergies
- Hay fever
- Pet allergies
- Mold and dust
- Insect sting allergies
Food allergies are among the most common and 90% of them are triggered by:
- Milk
- Eggs
- Peanuts and other nuts
- Fish and shellfish
- Soy
- Wheat
How Are Allergies Treated?
The first step in treating allergies is to positively identify them. To do this, we rely on blood tests as well as a full review of your child’s symptoms and the circumstances surrounding their development.
Once we zero in on the culprit behind your child’s allergies, we recommend a treatment plan for your child’s unique situation, which may include:
- Long-term medications
- On-the-spot treatments
- Trigger avoidance
- Immunotherapy
Allergies can’t be cured, but there’s a lot we can do to keep them under control, allowing your child to enjoy their carefree years.
A little more than 8% of children under the age of 18 in the United States have asthma, and it’s one of the top drivers of missed school days. We help children (and parents) breathe easier through the latest asthma treatments and management techniques.
Asthma FAQs
What Is Asthma?
What Causes Asthma?
The exact cause of asthma remains a mystery, but medical researchers have identified the many factors that can lead to the development of this respiratory illness, including:
- Genetics
- Allergies
- Exposure to toxins or secondhand smoke
- Being overweight
When it comes to what causes an asthma attack, the triggers include:
- Airborne irritants, such as mold, pet dander, and dust
- Colds and cases of flu that affect your child’s respiratory system
- Physical activity
- Certain ingredients in foods, such as preservatives and sulfites
- Gastrointestinal problems that lead to acid reflux
- Cold air
- Some children may experience an asthma attack when they’re under stress.
What Are the Symptoms of Asthma?
Asthma affects children in different ways. For some, the condition is a background annoyance while, for others, frequent asthma attacks wreak havoc on their lives.
The most common symptoms of asthma, whether they’re mild, moderate, or severe, include:
- Wheezing
- Shortness of breath
- Tightness in the chest
- Coughing with exertion
An asthma attack magnifies these symptoms and can even be life-threatening if your child’s airways close up to the point where they’re unable to breathe.
How Is Asthma Treated?
First, we perform a series of tests to determine lung function, and review the symptoms. If we find that asthma is present, it’s important to note that there’s no cure for the condition, but there’s much that we can do to better control your child’s asthma with:
- Prescription medications for long-term control
- Spot inhalers and other tools that subdue immediate symptoms
- Trigger avoidance
- Immunotherapy
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for asthma. We recommend a treatment plan based on your child’s unique situation.
Approximately 1 in 59 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. We have extensive experience helping both parents and children negotiate the often confusing world of autism.
Autism FAQs
What Is Autism?
At its core, autism causes difficulties with socialization, repetitive behaviors, speech, and nonverbal communication. Again, its effects on a child will be unique to that child, which is why the medical community refers to the condition as a “spectrum,” which accounts for the many subtypes.
Autism affects boys in far greater numbers than girls, by 4 to 1, and it occurs in children and adults of all ethnic and racial groups.
The exact cause of autism is unknown, but medical researchers believe that genetics and environment play key roles.
How Is Autism Treated?
There is no cure for autism, but the evidence is mounting that early intervention gives your child the best chances for coping with, and managing, the condition. Through specialized services, such as speech therapy, our team helps you find the best course of action and resources for your child.
What Are the Signs of Autism?
Autism is an extremely difficult condition to define, with no set checklist of symptoms, as each child displays the disability in their own way. That said, the signs of autism usually come on around the age of 3, and typically include:
- Lack of eye contact
- Not following you when you point
- Lack of interest in people or objects around them
- Aversion to close contact
- Repeating things that are said to them
- A need for routine
- Social awkwardness
As autism progresses, your child may lose communication skills and become increasingly difficult to interact with.
Have a question about our services? Please contact us at 916-394-2580 today!
4760 Florin Road #D
Sacramento CA 95823
Phone: 916-394-2580
Fax: 916-424-8302
Phone Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 12 PM & 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Closed Daily 12-:00 - 1:00 PM for Lunch
Saturday-Sunday: Closed